Care in Kaiser Permanente areas
From routine checkups to complex treatment, to mental wellness support.
Call 1-877-580-6125 (TTY 711), Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific time to talk to a Kaiser Permanente enrollment specialist.
Language interpretation services available.
Llame al 1-877-580-6125 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m., hora del Pacífico, para hablar con un especialista en inscripciones de Kaiser Permanente.
Servicios de interpretación de idiomas disponibles.
At Kaiser Permanente, your doctor, specialists, and pharmacists have access to your entire medical history through your electronic health record — so you never have to repeat your story. Your doctor acts as your health advocate and coordinates your care, which means you don’t have to deal with claims or paperwork. And with the Kaiser Permanente app, your care is at your fingertips 24/7.
Check out our “Smarter Health Care” video to learn more about care that’s built around you.
Kaiser Permanente doctors have one priority: your health. Your electronic health record connects your care team with your health history, so your doctor can plan the right care for your needs. They learn your lifestyle, risks, and goals to understand what matters most to you and be your best health advocate.
Explore the care that fits your life
“Dr. Weniger was relatable, kind, and thorough. By the end of my visit, I knew I made the right choice in Kaiser Permanente.”— Aimee, new member
Exceptional care tailored for your needs.
See what it’s like to be a member
Visit KP health and wellness to learn more.
You have many ways to get care — anywhere in the U.S.
From routine checkups to complex treatment, to mental wellness support.
Get care and prescriptions while travelling.
Take advantage of classes, services, and programs to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.²
Aproveche las clases, los servicios y los programas que le ayudarán a alcanzar sus objetivos de salud y fitness.²
Learn more | Más información
The testimonials, statements, and opinions presented are applicable to the individuals depicted. Not all programs described here are suitable for all patients. Results will vary and may not be representative of the experience of others.
1. These services aren’t covered under your health plan benefits and aren’t subject to the terms set forth in your Evidence of Coverage or other plan documents. These services may be discontinued at any time without notice. Classes vary at each location and some may require a fee.
2. Calm can be used by members 13 and over. The Headspace Care app and services are not available to any members under 18 years old.
3. Kaiser Permanente internal data, 2019; ”12 Trends Influencing the Future of Workplace Benefits,” Aflac, 2018; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018.
Notas a pie de página:
Los testimonios, declaraciones y opiniones presentados son aplicables a las personas representadas. No todos los programas descritos aquí son adecuados para todos los pacientes. Los resultados variarán y pueden no ser representativos de la experiencia de otros.
1. Estos servicios no están cubiertos por los beneficios de su plan de salud y no están sujetos a los términos establecidos en su Evidencia de cobertura u otros documentos del plan. Estos servicios pueden interrumpirse en cualquier momento sin previo aviso. Las clases varían en cada ubicación y algunas pueden requerir una tarifa.
2. Calm puede ser utilizado por miembros de 13 años o más. La aplicación y los servicios de Headspace Care no están disponibles para ningún miembro menor de 18 años.
3. Datos internos de Kaiser Permanente, 2019; “12 Trends Influencing the Future of Workplace Benefits,” Aflac, 2018; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018.